“I’m lured by the essence of things, by an incessant tension towards the Truth, the Absolute, the Spiritual in art.”

In his artistic exploration, Vito Difilippo, born in Monopoli in 1988, draws inspiration from the fiery expanses of Tavoliere, the vast blue of the endless sea, and the immensity of the Apulian sky. These natural elements form the starting point of his artistic production, where he seeks to translate the mystery of nature onto canvas, spanning from a self-taught approach to painting, from abstract expressionism to conceptual art, and to Arte Povera.

What fascinates Difilippo is the very essence of things, a constant striving towards the Truth, the Absolute, and the Spiritual in art. Difilippo finds a deep connection with the essence of things. He uses simple and common materials, transforming them into meaningful works of art that reflect the beauty of simplicity and the depth of everyday life. He combines deliberate color layering with improvised composition, reminiscent of the improvisation found in jazz. This marriage of planning and spontaneity creates an intriguing and dynamic atmosphere, inviting the observer to immerse themselves in the complex artworks.


2024 – Solo – Pi Gallery – Hangzhou, China
2023 – Solo – Studio – Santeramo, Italy
2022 – Group – Casa Cava – Matera, Italy
2019 – Group – Museo Bellini – Florence, Italy
2018 – Solo – Pinacoteca F.Netti – Santeramo, Italy
2017 – Group – Daphne Bateau Gallery – Paris, France
2017 – Group – Saatchi Gallery – London, United Kingdom
2017 – Group – Casa Cava – Matera, Italy
2017 – Group – Domus Romana Gallery – Rome, Italy
2016 – Group – Castle – Sannicandro, Italy
2016 – Solo – Palazzo Marchesale – Santeramo, Italy


2024 – 意识与感知的色彩|与艺术家 Vito Difilippo 的对话交流

2024 – 自然与精神之旅|意大利艺术家 Vito Difilippo “D-Series” 个展

2024 – SanteramoLive

2022 – Mondadori, Catalogo Arte Moderna #58

2022 – La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

2022 – L’Edicola del Sud

2022 – Tele Bari

2020 – DeAgostini, Atlante dell’Arte Contemporanea vol.2

2020 – La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

2018 – Gutenberg Edizioni

2018 – Exibart

2017 – SanteramoLive